Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easter and Spring Break

The kids' Spring Break week started on Good Friday.  Andrew caught a virus 2 days prior and was sick for a week.  The day I took him to the doctor, I came down with the virus and spent the rest of the Spring break sick with chills, body aches and fever. What a way to spend Spring break.

While Andrew laid on his death bed, Emma and Barret dyed Easter Eggs and made chocolate covered pretzels.  
 The bunny left presents on the table...

Mom had to walk Nathan's  upstairs since he doesn't get excited about the bunny.

....and eggs in the yard. 
They're too fast now to get pictures of them.

Easter Dinner

My favorite part.  It reminds me of how fortunate I am to have a wonderful husband and wonderful kids.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Hallelujah! If we relocated any further North,  I would have packed up and gone back to Texas (we still have a home there).   This has been a rough and cold winter for me, at least. At times, I couldn't get the house warm enough.  My feet constantly stayed cold  and I drank enough cocoa to bleed chocolate.  It has been wonderful seeing all the flowers bloom here.  Seeing the daffodils and Iris bulbs sprout from the ground reminds me a lot of my childhood.

Our neighbor, Mrs. Collier was an avid gardener. I coveted her yard. She had many varieties of flowers in her yard.  I loved the creeping phlox that grew on the hillside  over the rocks by her driveway. We used her yard as a backdrop for Easter pictures when her azaleas were blooming.  If we ever had a science project, we would head to her house and she would help us gather leaves and seed varieties of everything that grew there. On many occasions we would pick her irises on our walk to the bus stop and sometimes traded them for a little change to a few to my friends in elementary school (BTW, I've repented of that trangression) :)

Anywho,  this got us in the mood to play in the dirt.  We went to the local home center and  picked up some plants and soil.  We made a small garden and spruced up our containers with new flowers.  The kids picked out lavender plants.  They call them perfume plants.   The kids love to garden.  They find great joy in seeing something that they planted and water grow and make flowers and fruit.
Everyday afterschool, they jump out of the car to water the garden.  

They each got a strawberry plant.  The kids say they taste better and sweeter than the ones at the store.  Doesn't everything taste better homemade? :)

Emma and I have been watching the trees in the yard.  Pink blossoms popped out all over the branches.  When they fell off and the leaves grew in, we noticed :
                            We Have Peach Trees! 

The kids and I were licking our lips thinking about all the wonderful things we could make and bake with these babies.  Oh, Please let there be an abundance of fruit!

We are definitely enjoying the warmer weather.