Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Faith The Cat 's First Birthday

The kids  have bugged me since we got the cat what day her birthday fell on.  We estimated since she was six weeks around Easter last year, that her birthday was around March 6.  They didn't forget it either.  When March rolled around, we HAD to have a birthday party for her.  We planned it for Saturday the 6th. Then we got busy, so we bumped her  to Sunday.

The kids selected the menu which consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches and soup with goldfish crackers.  Emma came up with an original game called "Pin the tail on the fish".  Andrew also came up with a game that flopped called "Hide the Burrito"  (I don't know what goes on in his rabid mind)

Then it was time to sing Happy Birthday. Faith's cake was actually a pate of the finest quality (*Cough*) in the shape of a fish.
 Singing Happy Birthday

The kids had brownies with vanilla ice cream.  We gave her a cat cube hoping she would sleep in it rather than our bed.  It  didn't work :(

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