Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Adventures at The Aquarium

The TN Aquarium sits on the bank of the scenic Tennessee River in Downtown Chattanooga.  It is one of our favorite places to visit. There are water areas around the buildings for kids to splash in and enjoy on hot summer days.    The aquarium  consists of 2 large buildings.  One is dedicated to Ocean life and the other to Freshwater life.   We started on the Ocean Journey.  The escalator takes you up 12 stories to view and pet stingrays and tiger sharks (both are harmless).  While the boys were ready for a hands on experience,  Emma and I decided to just observe.  The thought of dipping my arm into a fish tank did not appeal to me.  I like the pleasing odor of hand soaps and lotions better. 
Here's Scot getting a manicure from a bottom dweller.  Nathan was eager to be next

This one thought petting it just wasn't enough.  He wanted to play with it and fell in
His shirt is contrary to what kind of day he was having.  Your pretty proud of yourself  aren't you buddy? Stinky boy.  I wonder if they'll keep you.  =)

Onto the Butterfly Exhibit:

It was a sunny day and they were everywhere!  I would have taken more pictures but Emma and Barret were terrified one would land on them! Emma was running around me like they were bees and began to "freak"(his own word) Barret out.  They where latched on to me like monkeys.  I'm surprised my clothes were still intact when we left out of there.  I did manage to get her to sit still for one second to snap a picture of her. 

Mr. Fearless holding this delicate creature

Barret's favorite Exhibit is the Penguin Exhibit.  He wanted a picture of him and a penguin, but only got the tail of this one.  

They have a huge salt water aquarium that is home to sharks sea turtles.  All of which my pictures came out too dark to post.
Emma at the coral reef exhibit
Sadly, this is the only picture I have of the Freshwater exhibit.  Scot and the older boys spent more time than the younger 3 so we ended up getting ahead of them.  The building is dark and I had to put up the camera to keep from losing my offspring. 

Emma in front of a  trout exhibit in the River Journey building.
The water simulated a swift moving stream.  The trout were swimming at a fast pace.  I'm so glad I'm not a trout.  I was exhausted watching them swim and going nowhere. Much like running on a treadmill all day, everyday for the rest of your life.  I'd be in awesome shape,  but miserable.  
Pass the cookies.

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