Monday, November 2, 2009

No Tricks, Lots of Treats


We started off Halloween morning cleaning and carving our pumpkins that the kids got from our dairy farm trip.  We used templates for the kids but Nathan carved his out free handed.   We were invited to a Halloween party that evening and then we were to trick or treat in their neighborhood as a group.  Since we wouldn't be home that evening, we had a little party at lunch. The kids made pumpkin pizzas. We just cut pepperonis into triangles.  Easy peasy.  Jones soda  had candy corn flavored soda. I found them at Target. It was a hit with the kids.
We made candy corn cookies from this blog site I steal many ideas from.   After the sugar rush.  They dressed in their costumes recession style.

Andrew wanted to be a robot.  We googled ideas and made one.  He immediately went into character when he tried it on for the first time.  We laughed so hard, tears were streaming down our face.  It was worth the headache.

Emma went as a ballerina.  It's her costume from her ballet recital.  I tried to talk her into making her a little scary. I suggested a head wound or a bloody leg.  She wouldn't have it.  She said Halloween costumes don't have to be scary.

Barret was wearing Andrews hand me down skeleton costume.

Nathan was low key.  He carried his bow and went as a hunter.

Here are some pics and their pumpkins before the party.

I like them illuminating in this picture


When we got everyone in bed.  Scot and I "inspected"  their candy and confiscated items that looked like they could be possibly tainted and potentially harmful.  We siezed all the dark chocolate, almond joys, a couple of reeses pieces and a few peanut m&ms.  We took our life in our hands and consumed these items quickly.  Thankfully, there were no harmful additives.  Mission Complete.

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