Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Party for Dad

We were just getting into the routine of things, when it was brought to my attention by the school calendar that the children would be out of school for a week for "Fall Break".  This break happened to fall on the week of Scot's Birthday. I could already hear my kids saying,  "I'm bored!" "We never do anything fun!"  I tried to fill the week with dr's appts, but it only filled up Monday.  Before the migraine set in, I came up with a great idea. This year I decided to leave Scot's birthday party plans in the hands of 4 minors.  Cheers with "Yes!" and "Sweet!" along with dancing confirmed that I came up  with the greatest plan ever.  They sat down with Emma as the scribe and drew up plan. It was proposed,   with a list in hand.  There were a few conflicts on certain items for instance,  there was an argument as to which pinata to purchase.  It was between Spongebob and Spiderman.  After a heated exchange, The First Lady had the final say and opted for neither. We bought a jack 'o lantern instead (it was the cheapest).  Barret managed to make it all the way to the checkout line with an air horn. He threw it on the conveyor and the cashier scanned it.  I told the lady out of the corner of my mouth to take it off.  That it was not intended for 3 year olds and I wanted to keep my hearing.  She obliged.

Party day was Wednesday. Here is the birthday boy =)

Plus a few  pics of the party:

Here's me letting out a little frustration :)

I thought this was funny when Scot went to hit the pinata, Barret ran inside while the others took cover.
My camera died before I could get Scot hitting the pinata.
 It broke off the rope.  I ended up pitching it to Scot and he busted it wide open.

I made a hummingbird cake.  It was so yummy.

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