Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day

The kids went back to School on Wednesday the 6th.  Mother Nature decided to bring us frigid temperatures in the 10's and snow on Thursday.  So back out they were. Woo Hoo.  My house was a mess and the pantry was empty.  The driveway was iced over and couldn't get the truck out.  So what do ya do with 4 energetic kids?  Go outside and burn some energy.

The kids got a piece of cardboard and slid down the driveway.  Andrew saw The Christmas Story on TV during the holidays and thought he would see if his tongue would stick to the metal post on the mail box.  It was 12 degrees outside. It worked.  He left some of his taste buds. It was too late to stop him before Nathan and I realized what he was up to.  Oh well... Live and Learn.

He loves the snow. He has a plastic container of snow in the freezer still.

It wasn't much but, it was so cold that it  lasted a week.

A snowball fight put an end to all the fun. Here is the instigator. 

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