Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Tennessee Christmas

We had plans for spending Christmas in Texas but our plans changed when my mother fell the Wednesday before Christmas and broke her wrist and foot.  She was scheduled for surgery the following Tuesday. We went to Arkansas for a couple of days before her surgery and came home on Tuesday before the bad weather that was to follow the next day.  Christmas Eve morning,  we made sausage kolaches and pecan filled kolaches. Scot smoked  a  brisket.  That night we read about Baby Jesus and the kids left Santa some milk and kolaches.  We were out of carrots, so we left bread for the reindeer.  Scot and I stayed up and watched our favorite movie,  It's AWonderful Life.
Christmas morning (5:30) we woke up to Barret standing beside the bed whispering,  "Santa left pwesents unda da twee! Come and see dis. Come on.  Hold my hand."  So out of the bed, and into the living room we went.  Emma and Andrew were already there counting how many presents they had each. 

"Are you gonna cry?" I asked "Maybe." he said when he hugged us after opening his PS2.
He was the only one on the Nice list at our house.

Emma is into Moxie Girls.  She got a couple more dolls and a remote control car that she loves but won't play with it.  I will never understand her.

Andrew is an infomercial freak.  He wanted a Glow Station, Bendaroos, and yes, a Snuggie for kids. He got it all and more Lucky Boy.

Barret was so excited when he got his new train set. This makes the third set. 
I guess you can never have too many?

The Elementary PTA hosted a store for the kids to purchase small gifts for family members.  I gave them both $10 Emma came home with a present for everyone except Barret, she was .50 cents short. Not bad.  Andrew came home with a present for the cat and Nathan with 2 dollars left to spend.  I sent him with another $10  and Emma .50 cents. Andrew came home with a present for everyone except dad and Barret.  Wednesday morning he said he's tired of shopping and handed the job over to Emma (such a boy). 

$30 dollars later here's  what we got:
Nathan- rubix cube keychain & a dinasour egg
Barret- a mini car & Yo-Yo
Emma- small memo pad
Dad-  #1 Dad flashlight and  a #1 dad pen
Mom- 2 identical pink #1 mom pens
Andrew- soft baseball
Faith- Cat toys in a plastic stocking. It was the most expensive and she actually played with them the entire time we were opening gifts.

Andrew said "Sorry mom, they were out of Mom Rocks necklaces.

Darn.... Maybe next year

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