Saturday, December 12, 2009

No More Diapers!

I never thought the day would come to pass when our house was diaper free.  I have been changing diapers since 2002 and 3 yrs before that with Nathan.  10 yrs. Sheesh!  Nathan was hard to potty train,  Emma, a breeze.  Nothing could prepare me for the trauma Andrew put me through.  He could care less about it and the furniture and clothes he went on either.  He was 4 years and 4 months when he finally seceded.  I swore that I would not potty train Barret until he was ready. I didn't care how old he was.  He knew the concept though,  he always went in the potty before bath time since he was 18 mos.  If Andrew was "watering the lawn" he had to do it too.   Barret was now in a size 6 diaper.  His diaper just wasn't holding what he was producing and Scot and I where playing rock, paper, scissors who would change the muddy ones. It was the last straw when Barret would announce what he about to do in his diaper and then take it off .  We told him that we weren't buying him diapers anymore and that he would have to potty like the rest of us.  He gave us a little resistance but agreed.  He was potty trained on day 1!  I never had to ask him if he needed to go. He took himself.  At night he went to the bathroom on his own.  I couldn't believe how easy it was.  He was a little hesitant about going #2 but when we told him if he didn't his belly would explode,  it was an easy decision after that =)

Free at Last!

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