Thursday, October 1, 2009

Damaged Goods

Moving day was Wed Sept 23,. The movers came (late) to pack us up for Chattanooga. As part of our farewell to Texas, we took the kids out to our favorite restaurant, Los Cucos. We figured it would be the last time we could eat good Mexican food until we could get back to Texas. Nathan tanked up like it was his last supper and paid dearly for it that night. :) The movers left around 1:00 am and we still had clean up to do. Our kids crashed on the floor and we ended up sleeping there too. Oy! Thurday morning, we said are farewells to family and neighbors and drove from Houston to Meridian, MS. Then we only had 4 hours left to Chattanooga on Friday. The movers showed up Friday afternoon (late again) in the pouring rain. It delayed getting our furninture in the house till after 4pm. While unloading the head guy noticed a broken flower pot. Turns out, they were all broken. The washer and dryer got beat up. Really it was no big loss until they unwrapped our tv and the cardboard had rubbed the finish off our TV. Plus, the glass was broken out of the plasma console. Anyways, we were compensated that evening including, a new TV. Here are some pictures of us eating at "The Last Mexican Supper" ;)

 Barret and Emma (in her Rock Star eating ice cream pose)

Notice the accessories on his arm.  He says rubber bands are an "in" thing.

Kids always seem happier when they're holding ice cream.

I pray these men were not products of the Tennessee public school system.

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