Friday, October 2, 2009

First Day of School-Again

Although we were 72 hours new to Tennessee, we managed to get the kids registered prior to our arrival.  They already had been assigned teachers.  We were a little worried about how Emma  since she doesn't handle change very well.  When we announced their teacher's names,  She said, What? I said I was going to quit school!  Um...Sure hun..

Nathan is never nervous about being new.  I wish I had as much confidence as he does.  He had a wonderful first day of school.  He said lunch was interesting.  There were students lined up to introduce themselves. 

Emma surprisingly went in her classroom without tears or anxiety.  I was impressed.  Her teacher says she fit right in, as if she's been there all along.  Her first day of school also happened to be on her birthday.  They gave her an ice cream sandwich at lunch for her special day. 

Andrew is much like his older brother.  He's always ready for a new adventure.  He waved us good-bye with a grin on his face.  Of course, I had to get pictures of them.

"Mom, I'm 14 now. Is this necessary?"

Our brave girl :) 
That afternoon I asked her if she made any friends.  She replied, "I don't have time for friends."              
Andrew was befriended by Joe (on the right). He was fascinated with Andrew's hair.  We walked in and found Andrew sitting on the floor with several children petting his head.

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