Sunday, October 11, 2009

Down on the Farm Part 1

In Texas, Blue Bell ice cream is "the best ice cream in the country."   Here in the Tennessee Valley,  the local brand of ice cream  is called Mayfield.  They claim it to be the best.  This raised our suspicions, and felt we needed to investigate. We packed a picnic lunch on a cloudy Saturday morning and headed North to Athens, TN to the Mayfield Dairy.  We got there just in time for the next tour.  They ushered us into a theater, watched a short film and then bright red shower caps were passed out to humiliate us, before entering the plant.   Barret resisted at first but, complied when we told him he would have to stay behind alone :). 
The tour was of the milk production.  They only make ice cream during the week... Bummer.  The tour conveniently exits in the gift shop/ ice cream parlor.  There were no free samples but, the ice cream prices were inexpensive.  A single cone was 1.25 novelty bars were .50 cents.  We all voted for a cone. Here's some pics.


The verdict:  Were partial to the Texas brand.  Thank goodness they sell Blue Bell in Tennessee.

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are getting so big! They are darling, too by the way. What a fun farm! I wish that you had gotten a picture of all of you in the red shower caps! That would have been fun to see! It looks like you all had fun! Miss you guys! I love the updates! Keep them coming!
