Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Final Two

Soddy played against the top two in the county.  Last Wednesday it was Hixson.  Hixson had only 1 loss- until the Showdown at the Round Gym.

Here's Nathan  No Pin, but won 7-2 (I think).  They cleared the board before we could see the final score. 

Hixson match

Last night, Soddy was up against the undefeated champs for the last umpteen years- Hunter.  We creamed them 62-30.   What a shame.  Hunter fans stopped cheering after they lost the first 4 matches.  No pin for Nathan but he won the match  by 9 points.

Hunter Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Soddy Daisy is officially undefeated.  The boys are so pumped. Hamilton County Championships are this Friday and Saturday.  Go Soddy!!

Did you hear Emma?  She's coaching from the stands.  I'm sure Nathan's eyes would roll if he could hear her.  He said with the head gear on, he can only hear the "ocean".  When the season's over I'm going to start wearing them when the kids are home :)

Barret turns 4

I can't believe our baby is four.  He still looks smaller than our other children at four.  I still carry him on my hip.  He still drinks from a sippy cup and still wakes up at night.  He's the only one that never leaves my side wherever we go.  I love to take him for lunch.  He has good table manners,  he's shy when strangers try to talk to him.  He'll hide behind me, or look at the ground and tap his foot.  I still love to snuggle with him. I wish I could freeze time.

On his birthday, he woke up and said he grew overnight (All my kids have said this). Emma and Andrew were measuring up to him.  He wore his boots with spurs and his double holster everywhere. He talked me into getting him a Zhu-zhu pet, a boat for the thing, and a remote control motorcycle that does wheelies at the store. Nevermind that we had already gotten a few things already. Nathan had a match that evening, so he chose Mc Donald's for his  birthday dinner (Blech!)  When he opened his presents, he would say A _____ ! It's just what I wanted!  Even the birthday cards.  It was so cute.
Here is a video of him blowing out his candles:

Barret's Birthday

Happy Birthday Barret!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Signs of Affection

This past week I was up to my eyeballs in crafts.  Emma and Andrew had parties at school.  A simple box of Valentine's cards from  Wal-Mart was too simple for Emma.  She was satisfied with making the girls something for their hair. We worked on these for a couple of nights.
Little Miss Martha
We ended up making about 15 of these things

I suggested  personalized chap stick holders for the boys.  She spilled the beans to her classmates about her tokens of love and the chap stick holders where given a "thumbs down" by her friend Russell.
So we went with plan "B"... Suckers.  I found a tip on a blog on how to make heart shaped lollipops from mini candy canes.  I found them in the clearance basket at our local grocery store.  We already had the sticks from a failed project.

Take 2 mini canes to form a heart and put them in a 350 degree oven for approx 5 mins. to soften them.
Take them out and place a lollipop stick on the ends and use your fingers to press around the stick. Let cool for 5 minutes.

Once you've burned all your fingers, here is the end result.

We printed labels and attached them to the lollipops and Viola!

2 Happy Kiddos and One Tired Mom

Scot etched a vase for me with little words for  Valentine's Day.  I thought it was so pretty.

It came with a dozen roses, but I forgot to get a picture of it with the flowers while they were alive. Doh!
We forgot to tell the each other that we got something for the kids.  On Sunday morning, they ended up with 2 boxes of chocolates each.  Andrew loved them so much that he slept with them. When  he woke up Monday morning, everything, including his pajamas were covered in chocolate and caramel. It looked disgusting

Emma gave us a Valentine card  that said "I Love You Mom and Dad" Love, Emma.  PS.  I love my toys too.  =)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday Fun

 It is a rare occasion for me venture out without a kid or spouse for a full day since moving here.  Saturday was the exception.

On Saturday,  I took a course on the embroidery software that Scot bought me in November along with a new commercial embroidery machine.  Boy, I was surprised!  I would have never bought it myself.  He said, "That's why I bought it for you."  I love my man =)

Anyways,  I got to rub shoulders (literally, it was a full class) with a large man named Bob.  He had a gray beard and a cute little handlebar mustache that he curled up the ends with mustache wax.  He was lost most of the time, but I helped him out.  He was so grateful.  I enjoyed it.

Scot set up a hair appt. for me as part of my V-day gift. This place is supposed to be the best salon in Chattanooga according to our Realtor.  I couldn't remember the name of the stylist she referred me to ( I thought it was Shana) so they gave me an appt. with "Shasta" (like the cola).  I was a little worried when I found out her name but they said she was a "Master Stylist" (code for black belt in Cosmetology).  The salon was a 3 level Greek temple.  I was escorted by "Star" to the second floor and waited to be called.  Every chair had a woman sitting in it getting something done to their hair.  It was loud with chatter.

A man came and asked a woman on the couch across from me a question.  She looked a little offended till he showed her the paper that was in his hand.  She shook her head. He came over and asked me "Are you Ezie (pronounced easy)?"  "Yes, that's me." I said (I have been called everything). He escorted me to a closet and asked to change into a smock and  to hang up my jacket and shirt.  It was FULL of clothes.  I figured,  no one would take my Banana Republic Shirt if I put it behind a hanger with lovely gold necklaces draped over the front of a woman's  REAL Fur coat.   When I popped out he showed me to a chair and gave me a stack of celebrity smut to read while I waited. 

I was happily greeted by "Shasta"  5'8 curly red head with a huge blond streak on the top of her head. She had tatoos on her arms and several ear piercings.  She gave me a consultation.  I nervously told her I would like highlights that look "natural" and a simple hairdo. She said "Great, do you want me to take your purse?" Um no.. that's alright."  After seeing the clothes closet, I could only imagine my purse lost in a sea of purses.

Shasta was actually a pleasant person to talk to. We got along well  AND she does great hair.  I learned alot of interesting facts about Shasta:

She's only been in jail once, but only overnight.
Used to work at Little Debbie making honey buns.
Has a "developing" ten yr. old daughter that's about to get a lesson about the birds and the bees.
Lives with her boyfriend that has dreams she's cheating on him instead of going to work
Has more tattoos that aren't visible
Talks in her sleep

I'm looking forward to my next hair appointment.  She said she going to talk me into doing something different with my hair :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other...

Remember that tune from Sesame Street???

Last Sunday, Emma (who claims she's an artist)  decided to draw pictures of the family during church.  When she got home, she posted her artwork on the fridge:
Do you notice something about my hair?  She drew my hair two-toned.  I haven't been to a salon since August (before we moved).  "Does it look that bad?" I asked her "A little." she said.  I hopped on the phone the next day looking for a great stylist.

When I flipped over the drawing, I noticed that her eldest brother looked a little "dark".  I asked her why.  She said, "Oh I was out of tan."  I said, "Oh so my hair really isn't that bad, you just didn't have the right colors to use right?" She said, "No it pretty much looks like that."  =(

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Birthday Dinner

When someone has a birthday.  They have the option of choosing what they want for their birthday dinner.  It can be anything they want.  Most of the time they ask me to prepare a favorite meal.  Andrew's birthday was yesterday.  I asked what he would like for his birthday dinner.  Here was the result:

Chicken Pot Pie (marked with an A) , Cranberry Sauce and Deviled Eggs 

We ate and then headed to see Nathan's wrestling match.  When we got  home, we had cake and opened presents.  Before we finished singing Happy Birthday, Barret blew out Andrew's candles.  Andrew said, "Hey,This is my birthday!"  I wish I had a video of that!   We had to hold Barret so he wouldn't blow them out a second time.

Barret was so upset that we had to light them a 3rd time so he could blow them out.  Andrew was a trooper
about it.

  Barret's face was so red!

Emma crocheted a scarf for Andrew's bunny.  He was so thankful for her gift that he got down from his chair to hug her.

It would kill her to show a bit of emotion.

He sounded like Mr Krabs (Spongebob) when he was opening his Birthday cards. 
Money Money  Money Money  Money!

I can't believe your already six. You are our most affectionate child.  I never tire of your hugs and kisses and your whispers of "I Love You" in my ear. We'll hold you in our arms as long as you'll let us.  I wish that I could have happy dreams like you.  You have giggled in your sleep since you were an infant.  You made me and dad laugh so hard on the Eve of your Birthday because you were giggling so hard in your sleep that you were out of breath! You're the last one to bed, and the first one up.  You are our most inquisitive child.  It doesn't bother me that you climb into bed every night with a pile of books in your hands.
We Love You So Much! Happy Birthday Andrew! 

Match 5 and 6

I posted some videos of Nathan's recent matches below: 

Tuesday's game was a home game.

 Soddy vs Red Bank

Thursday's game away.  I had one request from my wrestler.  "Please don't call me "Sugar" during a match.  =(

Soddy vs Loftis

The boys came down to congratulate Nathan.

They're halfway through the season and undefeated. Woo Hoo!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Soddy vs. East Hamilton 1/28

Here's  a link to  video of Nathan at Thursday's wrestling match:

