Friday, February 5, 2010

The Birthday Dinner

When someone has a birthday.  They have the option of choosing what they want for their birthday dinner.  It can be anything they want.  Most of the time they ask me to prepare a favorite meal.  Andrew's birthday was yesterday.  I asked what he would like for his birthday dinner.  Here was the result:

Chicken Pot Pie (marked with an A) , Cranberry Sauce and Deviled Eggs 

We ate and then headed to see Nathan's wrestling match.  When we got  home, we had cake and opened presents.  Before we finished singing Happy Birthday, Barret blew out Andrew's candles.  Andrew said, "Hey,This is my birthday!"  I wish I had a video of that!   We had to hold Barret so he wouldn't blow them out a second time.

Barret was so upset that we had to light them a 3rd time so he could blow them out.  Andrew was a trooper
about it.

  Barret's face was so red!

Emma crocheted a scarf for Andrew's bunny.  He was so thankful for her gift that he got down from his chair to hug her.

It would kill her to show a bit of emotion.

He sounded like Mr Krabs (Spongebob) when he was opening his Birthday cards. 
Money Money  Money Money  Money!

I can't believe your already six. You are our most affectionate child.  I never tire of your hugs and kisses and your whispers of "I Love You" in my ear. We'll hold you in our arms as long as you'll let us.  I wish that I could have happy dreams like you.  You have giggled in your sleep since you were an infant.  You made me and dad laugh so hard on the Eve of your Birthday because you were giggling so hard in your sleep that you were out of breath! You're the last one to bed, and the first one up.  You are our most inquisitive child.  It doesn't bother me that you climb into bed every night with a pile of books in your hands.
We Love You So Much! Happy Birthday Andrew! 

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